Welcome To My World

"Why not me?" is the question I asked myself about starting a blog. I love to share my advice, life-lessons,random trivia facts etc..and people listen to me when I speak. I don't know why they do but they do and that's all I need to validate starting this written version of my brain's inner working.
I don't know where this will take us so bear with me as I navigate life and take you along for the journey! Thanks to all who are willing to give me a chance.....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Finding Myself

Know Thyself-Proverb
Well, that's a lot easier said than done. That much I know. But here I am, 30ish and still trying to figure out what I want to to do when I grow up. My faith in Christ is strong and I believe all that I do well is attributed to Him giving me gifts that I may in turn, use to glorify Him. The gift of writing I am blessed with, along with my ability to talk to all walks of life, never judging or looking down on anyone, goes well with my love for sharing any knowledge I have, especially having to do with the Gospel and The Teachings of Jesus Christ.
 This brings me to what is in my Spirit. When I am alone with God, and I ask Him what His Will for me is, I always have a tugging to teach the Love Of Christ to others, publicly, that is. I have found myself doubting this, thinking that I am not worthy to do the work of the Lord. Then I look at the Bible and realize that no one in it was worthy to do it, either. That is our fallen nature and all the more reason for me to share with others this wonderful point! I am finally coming to the acceptance that I am good enough! I am a new person in Christ Jesus and no one can take that away from me!