Welcome To My World

"Why not me?" is the question I asked myself about starting a blog. I love to share my advice, life-lessons,random trivia facts etc..and people listen to me when I speak. I don't know why they do but they do and that's all I need to validate starting this written version of my brain's inner working.
I don't know where this will take us so bear with me as I navigate life and take you along for the journey! Thanks to all who are willing to give me a chance.....

Monday, August 1, 2011

Remaining A Pupil

NIETZSCHESOURCE: One repays a teacher badly if one remains only a pupil http://dlvr.it/7tM79 #NIETZSCHE
Is your repayment worthy? I believe some folks fancy themselves to be teachers, when to others they are merely know it all's masquerading.
I sat and listened to a well respected, high achieving, community leader (whom is also a recovering alcoholic and close family member) speak to a professional in a field he is not in. How pathetic were his words that usually draw admiration, nothing impressed his audience.
When I read this quote, it made me think of the aforementioned situation. Would he be suitable in repaying his teacher? It is all really just perception? Like most of life is...